Cature PureLab Series- Odor-Kill & Antibacterial Spray

Rp 108.000

Use this spray to destroy odours around your environment, such as your pet's bed, cage, toilet



Use this spray to destroy odours around your environment, such as your pet's bed, cage, toilet and toys. This spray is also suitable for use to spray directly on pet's fur coat. Cature's Spray is made with 100% natural ingredients and safe for licking and for use around children. It works as both a deodorizer and a antibacterial agent.100% Semprotan Penghilang Bau Alami, Aman untuk dijilat dan Menghilangkan Bau. Singkirkan bau tanpa bahan kimia apapun!Bekerja dengan baik pada mantel, lingkungan, dan furnitur hewan peliharaan. Dapat menghilangkan bau dan membunuh bakteri serta menghilangkan sumber bau. Cature Odor-Kill & Anti-Bacterial Spray menghilangkan bau menggunakan kekuatan alam tanpa bahan kimia, aman digunakan di sekitar anak-anak dan hewan peliharaan.For cats and dogsNet Content 150 ml

Additional information

Weight 300 g


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